Transportation of Bananas

There are 2 cities A and B, dist. between them is 1000 Km
we have 3000 bananas in city A and a elephant can carry max 1000 bananas at
any given time and it needs to eat a banana every 1 Km.

How Many Max. No. of bananas one can transfer to city B?

Note : the elephant cannot go without bananas to eat.

One possible solution is to transport the banana in stages or intervals

for 200 kms we have,
A 200 B 200 C 200 D 200 E 200 F

A to B
-> 2000, 800
<- 2000, 600
-> 1000, 1400
<- 1000, 1200
-> 0 , 2000

distance left = 800

B to C
-> 1000, 800
<- 1000, 600
-> 0, 1400

distance left = 600

C to D
-> 400, 800
<- 400, 600
-> 0, 800

distance left = 400

Move from D to F , leaving 400 bananas.

for, 250 kms we have,
A 250 B 250 C 250 D 250 E

A to B
-> 2000, 750
<- 2000, 500
-> 1000, 1250
<- 1000, 1000
-> 0 , 1750

distance left = 750

B to C
-> 750 , 750
<- 750 , 500
-> 0 , 1000

distance left = 500

Go directly from C to E (500 kms) leaving 500 bananas

for, 300, we have
A 300 B 300 C 300 D 100 E

A to B
-> 2000, 700
<- 2000, 400
-> 1000, 1100
<- 1000, 800
-> 0, 1500

distance left = 700

B to C
-> 500, 700
<- 500, 400
-> 0 , 600

distance left = 400

travel C to E, leaving only 200 bananas

Using the above scheme, we can transport a max of 500 bananas for intervals of 250,
this is probably not the best solution, and using dynamic programming we can find the
best solution.

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