Intersection of two arrays.

Given two arrays of signed integers, give an approach to find the
intersecting set of the two arrays.


Solution 1: O(nlog(n)) solution

void ArrayIntersection(int *a, int*b , size_t sizeA, size_t sizeB)
for(size_t i =0, j=0; i < sizeA && j < sizeB; )
if (a[i] == b[j])
/* Add a[i] to output intersection list */
else if (a[i] < b[j] )
++i; continue;
else if (a[i] > b[j] )
++j; continue;

Solution 2: O(n) solution but requires at least O(n) space.
1. Scan the first array and add the elements to a lookup.
2. Scan the second array and if the element is present in the
lookup then add it to the intersection list.

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