Least Common Ancestor in a tree

Given two nodes of a tree, find the least common ancestor.

Case I : Each node has a pointer to its parent node.

Case II : A Binary Search Tree.

Case III : A Normal Binary Tree.


/ \
5 20
/ \ \
3 6 [21]
/ \
15 {30}
/ \ / \
13 {16} 25 35

Least common ancestor of 16, 30 is 21.


Case I: Similar to finding the intersection of two linked lists. O(log(n)) complexity

Case II:

* Find the least common ancestor in a Binary search tree,
* assuming n1->val < n2->val
* NOTE : In a BST there can be only one node between two given values.
* */
Node* FindLCA_BST(Node *root, Node *n1, Node *n2)
if ( !root )
return NULL;
if ( (root->val <= n2->val) && (root->val >= n1->val) )
return root;
else if (root->val < min)
/* goto right, a higher value */
return FindLCA_BST(root->right);
return FindLCA_BST(root->left);


Case III:

/** Find the Least common ancestor for any given binary tree
* and two nodes n1, and n2 and either n1 or n2 can be an ancestor
* of one another.
* */
bool FindLCA(Node *root, Node* n1, Node* n2, Node** lca)
return false;
// Is the current node one of the required nodes;
bool isCur = (n1 == root) || (n2 == root);
// check the left subtree
bool isLeft = FindLCA(root->left, n1, n2, lca);
// check the right subtree
bool isRight = FindLCA(root->right, n1, n2, lca);

if ( (isLeft && isRight) // both the nodes occur as the children of given node
|| (isCur && isLeft) // either of n1 or n2 is the ancestor of the other.
|| (isCur && isRight)
*lca = root;
return true;
return isLeft || isRight || isCur; // Let the parent decide the result.

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