Deck of 52 cards, two players

The rules of a card game (having 52 cards) played between two peole are:- they will turn over two cards at a time. If both the cards are Black they will go the first player's pile and if both are Red they they will go to the second player's pile. If one is Red and one Black then both the cards will simply be discarded.

The process of turning over two cards at a time is repeated till all the 52 cards are exhausted. Whoever is having more number of cards in their pile wins the game. In case of tie the first player is declared winner. What's the chance of second player winning the game?


case I : 26B, 26R => tie, first player wins
case II : 26 Red, 26 Black => tie, first player wins
case III: The order of Red and Black cards are jumbled.
so we cards will cancel out each other and go into no man's pile and
the remaining cards will get equally distributed between the players,
resulting in a tie, and again the first player wins.

So the probability of the second player winning is zero

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