merging sorted streams

Given k sorted streams where each stream could possibly be infinite in length, describe an efficient algorithm to merge the k streams into a new stream (also in sorted order).


Solution I (Divide and Conquer) :

listA /
/ . \
/ . list2
/ . .
Merged / . .
List \ . .
\ . listk-1
listC /

This solution is not efficient, Complexity is 2k-1 - 1

Solution II (Using buckets)

Use technique similar to Bucket sort, maximum complexity = O(N2)

Solution III (Using Heap)

(credit : The Great Khali)

Step1: Take first element of all k streams and build a min heap of them. => O(k)
Step2: Remove the min element (elem at top of heap) from the heap and put in the new stream. => O(log k)
Step3: Put new element in heap from the stream to which the prev elem belongs (which was at heap min). => O(log k)
Step4: continue above steps till we exhaust all the streams. If all streams in combination have n elements then order is O(n log(k))

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