Given the Infix and Postfix traversal, construct the tree

Given the Infix and Postfix traversal, construct the tree

Possible only in cases where there are unique elements.

* Program to construct a tree from a Infix and prefix traversals.
* */
using namespace std;

struct TreeNode
char node;
TreeNode *left;
TreeNode *right;
TreeNode(char ch)
this->node = ch;
this->left = 0;
this->right = 0;
TreeNode* CtorTree(RandIter infix_begin, RandIter infix_end, RandIter postfix_begin, RandIter postfix_end)
/* Nothing to add */
if( (infix_begin == infix_end) || (postfix_begin == postfix_end) )
return NULL;
/* The current element in the postfix becomes the root */
TreeNode *tnode = new TreeNode(*postfix_begin);
/* Search for the root in infix representation from reverse */
RandIter j = infix_end;
while( j>= infix_begin )
if (*j == *postfix_begin)
ptrdiff_t num_nodes = j - infix_begin;

/* we have found the corresponding root at location j */
TreeNode *left_subtree = CtorTree(infix_begin, j, postfix_begin , postfix_begin + num_nodes);
TreeNode *right_subtree = CtorTree(j+1, infix_end, postfix_begin + num_nodes , postfix_end );
tnode->left = left_subtree;
tnode->right = right_subtree;
return tnode;

void Infix_traversal(TreeNode* n)
if (n)
cout << n->node;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
if ( argc != 3 )
cerr << "Usage:" << argv[0] << " infix prefix " << endl;
char *infix = strdup(argv[1]);
char *prefix = strdup(argv[2]);
TreeNode *tree = CtorTree(infix, infix+strlen(infix), prefix, prefix + strlen(prefix));
cout << endl << "The Infix traversal of the constructed tree : " << endl;
Infix_traversal (tree);
free (infix);
free (prefix);
return 0;


pavan said...

I wnated to know that in the while look the *j should be compared with the *postfix_end

pavan said...

RandIter j = infix_end;
while( j>= infix_begin )
if (*j == *postfix_end)
ptrdiff_t num_nodes = j - infix_begin;

Can also be written. Right?