Subset trees

Given a big tree and a small tree, give an algo to find if the small tree is a subset of the big tree.

Solution 1:

//Time Complexity : O(mn) , where is m and n are the number of nodes in the trees.
bool isSubtree(Node* bigTree, Node* smallTree)
if(!bigTree && !smallTree)
return true;
else if( (!bigTree && smallTree) ||
(bigTree && !smallTree)
return false;

if ( bigTree->node == smallTree->node )
/* If the node value matches, then check the left and right
* subtrees
* */
bool isLeftSubTree = isSubtree (bigTree->left, smallTree->left);
if (isLeftSubTree)
isRightSubTree = isSubtree (bigTree->right, smallTree->right);
if (isLeftSubTree && isRightSubTree )
return true;
/* we need to check in left subtree and right subtree */
isLeftSubTree = isSubtree(bigTree->left, smallTree);
if (isLeftSubTree )
return true;
return isSubtree(bigTree->right, smallTree);


Solution 2:

Use a suffix tree.
1. do a traversal { takes O(m) } for the larger tree and create a suffix tree.{ takes O(m) time + O(m) space }

2. do a traversal { takes O(n) } for the smaller tree and check if this pattern exists in the suffix tree. { O(n) time }

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