Initialization of a Virtual Base Class.

In a Inheritance hierarchy including virtual base classes, for ex:

/ \ (virtual inheritance of B,C)
/ \
\ /
\ /

class A{};
class B : virtual public A{};
class C : virtual public A{};
class D : public B, public C{};

Since the A base class occurs twice in class C, how is it ensured that its initialized or contructed only once, and not twice ( via B's and C's ctor )?


In this case, class D (the most derived class) can make direct calls to the ctor of its super base class A (which is not allowed in cases not involving virtual inheritance ). If this is not done, then the default ctor of class A will be called and then the ctors of B and C are called.

1 class A
2 {
3 public:
4 A(int a){}
5 A(){}
6 };
7 class B : virtual public A{};
8 class C : virtual public A{};
9 class D : public B, public C{
10 public:
11 D():A(1),B(),C(){}
12 };
14 int main()
15 {
16 D d;
17 }

If the inheritance was not virtual, then D's ctor cannot access A's ctor.

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