Sorted Array to Binary Tree

Given a sorted (non-decreasing order) array, write an algorithm to
create a binary tree with minimal height. Do this in O(n).


The trick is to add the mid element of the array first, because if the elements are sequentially , then the tree will resemble a linked list.

Node* CreateTree(int* array, size_t begin, size_t end)
if( begin > end )
return NULL;
size_t mid = (begin+end) / 2;
Node* n = CreateNode(array[mid]);
n->left = CreateTree( array, begin, mid-1 );
n->right = CreateTree( array, mid+1, end );
return n;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the algorithm is great, except the base case is flawed, as it should be:
if( start > end ) return null;
since if start > end, the array is out of bounds.